

List of papers authored by members of GOHNIC (membering authors and scientific journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports are shown in bold). In order to obtain a PDF of those listed which aren´t accessible, please apply to Felipe Siverio (fsiverio@gohnic.orgfor your free copy.




Scientific journals                                                                                       2009 - 1997


Siverio, F. & P. Felipe (2009). Comensalismo entre lagarto gigante de El Hierro (Gallotia simonyi) y gaviota patiamarilla (Larus michahellis) en el roque Chico de Salmor. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 20: 40-44.


Rodríguez, A., M. Nogales, R. Rumeu & B. Rodríguez (2008). Temporal and spatial variation in the diet of the endemic lizard Gallotia galloti in an insular Mediterranean scrubland. Journal of Herpetology 42: 213-222. Metrics


Hernández, E., W. Bischoff, B. Bannert & M. Siverio (1997). »Rieseneidechsen« auf Teneriffa. Herpetofauna 19: 19-24.


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